Thursday, March 18, 2010

Land scaping

I want make a path here, so that Ces can run circles and so that visually the garden becomes more one whole, and not two halves.

But after an afternoon of digging, it doesn't look like much. I am a bit disappointed, but perhaps it will get better in spring. It needs more work.

Crocusses under the Jasmine

Crocusses under the Jasmine near the house.


Another nice clump.


With a first bee. Good to see that some are alive after all the stories about viruses with bees.


They are back and have really opened up. I will need to move the campanula's - they are too close. But what a joy that they have settled. I have seen the place that I dug them out from, further down our street from a derilict house, or the house from the water management association. The mothers there are still there, I saw, under the Magnolia tree. But hidden behind a pile of cut shrub.



Saturday, March 13, 2010

Crows in the trees

Ces wanted me to take this picture. I have been trying to get birds on the photo, but it is not easy.
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We also get some birds, here a blackbird close by the kitchen window.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Campanula in the stone pot

Another survivor of this winter.
Nice with the sun shining though the white drops.

Snow drops have green painting

See the cute green lining?


Heather just doesn't stay alive in pots. But here under the pine trees it goes just fine!!
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Snow drops

They are now a real field, lovely.
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Winter akonite

They are back! And definitely one of the first to show after the winter.