Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the old sitting area

Keep this in mind! We are changing the sitting area!! The wood out, raise it a bit, put lawn over it. Et voila: a new cheerfull area!! Just about ten cubic meter of soil to shovel in. I have mis-estimated the amount a bit, and now we have about 5 cubic too much! Wow, this is terrible. The next picture will show you what a gigantic amount ten cubic is!!!
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

A purple weed

This is probably just a weed, but a rather cute one. The photo doesn't do it justice. It stands in the winter garden.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wet hope

This picture gives an accurate impression of the state of nature right now. Cold, wet, but with promises in the air.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Leaves in the pond

This is the pond. It is full of leaves. We are dredging them out bit by bit. So that the salamanders and frogs won't get trapped. This fall we will definitely put a netting up to prevent the leaves from getting into the pond in the first place.
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Friday, March 20, 2009


The crocuses have flowered abundantly - because of the severe cold this winter? But now they are withering and the daffodils are starting to take over.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Spring is so nice! To see that some of the animals survived the ice.

We see lots of leaves in the pond and are dredging some out. Unfortunately, we dredge out the salamanders too. Next winter we'll definitely use a netting in fall. For now we invent a system with a tray to allow the salamanders to escape back into the water prior to disposing of the rotting leaves.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lion's Dents?

Lion's Dents? Or Waldsteinia?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Awell, this photo was meant for the other blog, but it shows the early spring garden...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Find the frog

I am cleaning up some leaves, but then suddenly uncover this quietly sitting frog. I quickly close the leave cover again.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Winter Aconite

The Winter Aconite I dug out from the grounds around one of the demolition houses. It was actually a beautiful site, that I forgot to picture: a Magnolia, with Snow Drops and Aconites. They are obviously a bit worse for wear, but hopefully they survive for the next years.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Eranthis hyemalis (Winter Aconite)

I am cycling with my daughter to some houses ready for tear down. And what is there? A lovely spot with a Magnolia and underneath a blanket of snow drops and Winter Aconite. I had just last week seen these on tv, see http://vroegevogels.vara.nl/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/. It is a Ranonculacae bulb flower, that manages to survive in the wild, usually around old estates.

Anyway, I went back, took the spade back and dug out some (without making a picture of the original, of course...). I planted them under the trees, because that is where they stood in the tv program. I hope I have given them a good new home...

The new Anemone survives

I was a bit afraid it wouldn't hold in the open air, but it is obviously thriving. For now...

Saturday, March 7, 2009


The Waldsteinia in the front 'garden' (more like square) are starting to flower. Also the little apples are falling.

Are these flowers in the backyard then Waldsteinia too?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Another fern bites the dust

Another photo after: a fern gone and summer flower seeds in.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Fast is the word....


I remembered just in time to make the picture BEFORE I finish the work. The Buddleia was really beatiful this summer with lots of butterflies.
But so high!! Three meters? I bring the height down to a meter or so. But I need the little cute saw to do it. And how to get rid of all the chopped stuff that we have collgected in the garden by now?

Snowdrops everywhere

The Snowdrops are really taking off, walking on the lawn means meandering. I have 'marked' several sections off with bamboo - hopefully protects the flowers.


The Anemone that I bought on Friday. I hope it will survive.