Sunday, July 11, 2010


Rock garden bloom

The pond still with reed

This picture can't be made anymore. Peter has removed the reed. I found it blocked the view too much, and it is hard to keep under control. There is still some free growing stuff. Let's hope it doesn't overtake the pond...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rock garden

Malva and Coreopsis

Pink climber rose

The new Jasmin

The new Jasmin looks happy. While in Greece on holiday, I saw many Jasmin varieties and large bushes. It obviously loves heat, this is a hot spot.

I was looking for a Kalamata olive tree, but that was not possible: not the time of the year.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Robin Hood

I have no idea what plant this is. It just came up after we had removed the hosta wilderness, it must have been there all the time. This year for the first time there is a flower: purple cover with a near black spike. It lasted for a couple of days and then whithered.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bottle Brush

My Australian pride, the bottle brush. Bought in Switzerland at the Coop. I have learnt in Australia, that Australian plants always have their toes in the underground wet layer: that is how they survive the dryness. So, I ensure this plant is always in a wet layer. I failed sometimes last winter, when it was upstairs. So, this winter it will be in the living room, even though that is a warmer spot.
But the winter harsness has not harmed the flowers.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Dry, dry, dry, but the Violet keeps going.... and not in a dry spot...


New Salvia. I am not sure if she stands in the right spot: not visible from the house. And so abundant! She stands in the new curved area.

Pink Rose

This Rose stood under the Elderflower tree, and was wasting. Now she stands in a sunny spot with space. Interesting colour.

farmer Jasmin

Rock garden in bloom

Anjer, Armeria and other flowers.

Pink Malva

This pink malvais more like the wild one. It is abundant and great.

White Malva

White Malva near the gold fish pond. Nice effect of the shade on this photo. Ever since I saw the first white Malva here two years ago, I have tried to propagate it. With good succes: it is now a good bush.