Sunday, July 26, 2009


I didn't know this plant, although it is well known. I am absolutely enthusiastic: it is easy, bright, and very artistic. I have heard that once every couple of years one should split the bulbs. We'll see. It was a dry July, so they finished flowering early. Next year a bit watering, sure!

Blue candle sticks

Was this flower here last year? Is it a stray? It flowers for a long time and bright. Lots of bees and bumblebees. A great plant.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Some thoughts

I have recently had some ideas about the garden.

One started with a little book that my mother lent me. "The maintenance free garden". It sounded a bit boring. They were talking a lot about gritt and stones to cover the garden. And mulching of course. All of it I am not much into. I mean, mulching sounds good, but hardly happens ('Hurricanes hardly happen', My Fair Lady). But then I got thinking. Yes, it is a good idea to use mulch, or cocaonutshells to cover up the ground in between plants.

I am still trying to achieve a mixed flower garden, like little clumps of plants, but none the same throughout the garden. The problem is a lot of plants disappear at some time (summer plants in winter), so I find it hard to remember what is where. Still looking for good software for that (Cad? Gis?). And if the plants haven't disappeared, then it is impossible to get through the jungle. But the idea is worth keeping.

The other one, was a funny phrase by Maarten 't Hart in his monthly garden blog in the newspaper. It is not a gardening blog, rather a way to comment on the world from a metaphore. He was talking how his parents had a vegetable garden, and they weeded with the bible in mind: weed was the 'evil'. However Maarten always thought "What will this plant become". This is the dilemma I face in spring too. Simply because I don't know my plants, of course.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

An Anemone?

I did not notice these last year, but surely they must have been there. They look a bit like Anemones. They are behind the last pond. And later in the season completely overgrown by the other flowers.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The pond and lilies

The pond is full of algae, water plants and beautiful water lilies.

And: 'pettere' of course!! Splash the water with your feet.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tree top view

A glimpse from the first floor.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pink Dianthus and more flowers

Ces is feeding the fish. Time for a nice photo in the green. Look at those Dianthi there, they are definitely in the right spot here, and so beautiful. I'll try to get more types. There is already the red one, that featured a month ago or so.


Abundant, rewarding flowers, these lilies. At least, last year they flowered for months. They are in two spots, behind both ponds. They indeed give a nice entourage for the ponds, with the hanging leaves.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This is Malva or 'kaasjeskruid'. A fieldflower that we find on the roadside here. But so bright and jolly. I'd like more of this, it is already more than last year. Funny enough I found some white Malva too, I think. Near the gold fish pump.